After getting an email quote for leasing a car, how do start negotiating the pricing down?

I’ve been reading on this forum and others. But this is the first time I’m going through this process. What exactly am I supposed to say?

I don’t want to come off as being rude or a jerk. But I’m pretty sure most of the dealerships I’ve contacted are giving me the car at full MSRP and just taking off incentives/rebates.

Do I just as for x amount off msrp? Mention that truecar says it should be x off msrp?

I’m confused as to what to say in a response to get the price lower? Should I try to tell them I want x monthly payment, with taxes and see if they will meet it?

Thank you in advance! And Happy Holidays!

Read my replies here

Hi Laura,

See my post that @phat posted. I specifically ask for the cars selling price before incentives. Or you could ask what incentives are included in their price.

After that, I just ask for the price I want: Can you sell the car at $x before incentives?

I hope this helps. The worst that happens is that they say they can’t accept your offer.

I simply said to them, “can you do it for X” With X being MSRP minus dealer discount minus rebates/incentives.

They either will of wont. Something that makes a big difference are the add on fees. I received 2 quotes of $517 and $479 the only difference being dealer fees. I went with the $479 deal.

what kind of car you are looking for? If you can give details, people can share their views.

Yes! It does help. It was just kind of confusing how to phrase it. Thank you!