2024 Chevy Equinox EV 2LT 2WD, $220/m effective payment, Long Island NY. *Save almost $3k from broker deal on LH*

2024 Chevrolet EV 2LT
Location: Long Island, NY

MSRP: $43745
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $162
Effective monthly payment: $220

Current mileage: 1930
Maturity mileage: 24000
Effective miles per month: 950
Maturity date: Septmember 25th 2026

MSD due (if any): $0
Cash due (if any): $1200
Incentive for new lessee (if any): $0

Financial institution: GMF
Transfer fee: $625
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): NO

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:
Perfect condition.



An incentive is a sweet piece of candy, provided by the seller to the buyer. This often reduces the cost of ownership. You adding the profit on top is not an incentive lol.

Nice base payment though, must be Bolt money :fire: GLWT!

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It is still about $2500 less for 24 months than the offers from marketplace and you need to have a lease in houshold to get that deal from brokers.


The point was that this fundamentally makes zero sense. (there is not only no incentive provided - it is even the polar opposite)

Not arguing the deal by any means. Someone will scoop this up. :+1:

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He just used the standard template and forgot to remove something it’s not that big of a deal lol.


Ik but its comical :smile:

all. numbers. must. align.

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Corrected. Thank You for the feedback.

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Cash due changed to $2300.

$1000 due at signing ONLY


$1200 due at signing ONLY

Update your first post (still shows $2300 cash due)

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Sold. Please close it.