This one is going to be a tough one to get out of. These can be had for as little as $103 monthly for that same lease term with max incentives. You’ll likely have to throw some money at this.
The difference between conquest and Bolt ownership is $1500. When residualized, that wont be anywhere close to $239/month. If OP wants out of this lease he should consider advertising eating the transfer fee and extra cash to bring monthly down or to entise soneone out of getting a brand new car with no farts for less money.
Where are you seeing $103 monthly? That would be a $2400 one pay which I have not yet seen posted as a signed deal or offer on this forum for CA. I have seen one at $2500 at the end of July but no lower and not even that amount since.
Ok, but that is plus tax and “plus first month’s payment, registration, taxes, and document fees due at signing” so the monthly effective payment is more than $103.