2024 BMW i5 $749/month (including tax) $0 DAS! Immaculate Condition!Free charging


Please include monthly payment or selling price in the TITLE.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2024 i5 eDr40
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Monthly payment (pre-tax):$749.08 including tax
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided): N/A

Current mileage: ~2,000
Maturity mileage: 22,500
Effective miles per month:
Maturity date: 5/24/27

MSD due (if any): N/A
Cash due (if any): N/A
Incentive for new lessee (if any): N/A

Financial institution: BMW Financial
Transfer fee:$500 (buyer responsible)
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Like new (4 months old!) perfect condition, Free charging, HOV stickers included


I have heard the EA free charging is not transferable. Something that should be confirmed. It is usually useful for out of town trips.

EA is transferable. The account stays with the car (VIN). Not with the owner. Unless BMW does it differently.

My experience is BMW does not permit transfer of the free charging promotion to a second owner. The only exception is if the first owner has never claimed the promotion code, then it can be claimed by the second owner.

Thats good to know, im surprised BMW doesnt keep it to the car. Like other manufacturers. Thats a bad selling point for someone to get out of lease transfer

I haven’t claimed the free charging yet. It should still be available

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Still Available

That is correct.