2023 Rivian R1T Adventure Quad Large, $465/mo, 10k 36mo, $5000 DAS, $600/mo Effective

Rivian to call you about what? You just order online.

I need some numbers before I pull the trigger. I also see a demo vehicle close to me - Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s a better deal than a new one. Just need to talk these things out before I order.

Demos canā€™t be leased.

Sent you a pm

Another employee offering referral discount.

Canā€™t lease a Rivian in Iowa though

They ship it to your city for $1000. You can order from Iowa and register it in another state

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There is quad red one in 37064 zip. I am gonna take more range otherwise I would have grabbed it. There is also white one in Utah zip.

Do you think if the max ones donā€™t sell they will start discounting them more?

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I would guess yes since there is a lot of inventory but your guess is as good as mine.

is it the one for 87000?

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Another employee to the list.

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Did you preorder between March and May to get the extra 2300?

Wut? No I ordered on April 26th. The extra $2700 is just a vin specific discount that varies wildly.

the ā€œMSRP priceā€ on Rivianā€™s site do u know if the $7500 is taken off that already? There is one for 87000 just curious if the employee discount and $7500 will come off that?

Why would it be off the MSRP? The lease estimate calculator does include the $7500 rebate. You can adjust the downpayment by the referral rebate to get a ballpark before taxes.

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I would assume that the trucks showing lower lease payments but higher msrp probably have a discount baked into them already.

Probably yes, you wonā€™t see the actual discount amount till you pay the $1000. For example here is a friend who got a fully loaded one with a much higher discount


Thatā€™s what I was wondering u canā€™t see the actual payment. Damn good deal you got and ur buddy!

The calculator actually does figure that discount into the estimate and mine was pretty accurate. Obviously taxes werenā€™t included.

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