2023 BMW X5 sDrive40i M-Sport Lease Transfer, $978.25/month. $2k DAS 1,095 miles/mo for 29 months


Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2023, BMW, X5 sDrive40i
Location: TEXAS (Houston)

MSRP: $69,620
Monthly payment: $978.25

Current mileage: 4,240
Maturity mileage: 36,004
Effective miles per month: 1,095
Maturity date: 11/15/2025

MSD due (if any): $0
Cash due (if any): $2000
Incentive for new lessee (if any): $0

Financial institution: BMW Financial Services
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): YES

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Excellent condition, M-Sport Package, Parking Assistance Package



Try SAL. It looks like in texas there are 2024 BMW x5 that are cheaper/about the same than your 2023.

man if I can get rid of my 530… I’d def be on this! I’m in SA

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I’d take over your 530i!

Say no more! Let’s make it happen

send me the specs :wink:

pm sent to you

Hope it works out, so you can take over my X5 :slightly_smiling_face:

Still available?

Yes, it is

Interested !