810, and still got disapproved ford credit 2 days ago. Had to bring paystubs and last year income tax. Told me i have too many car loans and mortgages
I think it’s a combination of tier and income, especially on high dollar cars.
Im like Mr. Wonderful i tell the applicants - show me the money. And most just fizzle away. Like cool bro you think youre going from a 330 m sport or is350 f sport into an M8 and youre the manager at tmobile in the mall making a swift $92k with commission. Not gonna fly pal
How long have you had the car to already have 18k miles on it? To me the low remaining miles per month is a bigger consideration
With the mile allowance this sounds like a garage+weekend trip car to Malibu or Venice. I can’t see this going without a decent incentive
Was a demo when I got it
100 miles per month less than the original lease term even at the cost of the miles not going to put an incentive on it