2023 BMW 760I X Drive Lease Take Over $1077 Monthly Effective

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2023 Bmw 760i Xdrive

Location: FL (Miami)

MSRP: 127,500
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $406
Effective monthly includin 14k cash down is: $1,077

Current mileage: 11,822
Maturity mileage: 30,000
Maturity date: 07/26 (22 months left)

MSD due (if any): None
Cash due (if any): 14K
Incentive for new lessee (if any): None

Financial institution: BMWFS
Transfer fee: $500 by buyer
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): yes

-Bowers & Wilkens Diamond Surround system
-Driver pro pack
-M sport pro pack
-Executive Pack (Automatic Doors, Crystal Headlights)
-Massaging front seats & heated/Ventilated

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Over all in excellent shape: I have had a few things fixed that were completely done under warranty by a certified Bmw dealership:
-Cristal Headlight
-Rear passenger screen
Overall the car in excellent condition with Full XPEL Ceramic Tints of 25% on the front, 50% on the windshield and 20% all around the back. The car is also ceramic coated.


put the effective monthly in the title, otherwise this is clickbait


Thank you- I have updated the topic

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Hakrs please close thread for now: Just found out from someone I may not be able to transfer due to an open recall: Integrated Brake System that does not have a remedy yet. I will call BMFS tomorrow to confirm this is correct. There is a no sale at all Dealerships for vehicles impacted by this. Thanks in advance

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PM a TH if you need to reopen. Good luck