2022 LR Discovery broken down on way home from dealer - recourse?

Or you let your attorney handle it, as everyone should when pursuing a lemon claim.

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I am a sucker for punishment as I picked JLR product to begin with. I went through the whole lemon process after my wonderful Disco V ZF 8-speed transmission decides to pee on my garage floor after 600 miles from new.

After driving a loaner car for more than a month. The GM of the dealership got involved and JLR replaced my car. They made it up with a higher MSRP car and service pack as a “mea culpa”

Given the parts shortage. If your vehicle is sitting at the dealership for more than 30 days. You are eligible for lemon. I am not familiar with the JLR LA store since it is under new management so everyone there is new. Good luck and give your selling dealer chance to resolve and law is on your side.

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True…But one can’t help but wonder why certain brands (ahem…British ones???) seem to operate on the left-hand side of that curve, while Toyota Camry’s, etc. engineering team seems to create scenarios that tend towards the right side of the curve, LOL.

See the bathtub reference by @mllcb42 :crazy_face:

There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that certain products and systems are designed in a far superior manner to others, even if many of them are using the same vendors for components.

Could be a case of more early acceptance tests that catch the the early failures before going into completes products. Could be higher quality manufacturing that has lower rates of failure. Could be using older, lower risk technology, etc.

And to the end-user, one approach gives one result, and another another result, LOL

There’s a business answer for this. Toyota and Lexus products are based on older technology and they are very conservative (except with the exterior design styling). When it came to infotainment/technology/mechanical equipment, they’ve been using proven, age-old designs.

There’s nothing wrong with this approach, it’s a good way to ensure people continue believing you only make reliable cars (except for the stuck accelerators on your hybrids), but the downside is you will always be “midtier” because you are not blazing any technological paths.

Still, though. Plenty of folks out there looking for long-term reliable cars if they’re spending 50k/60k.

I understand your point, but I’m not sure if I buy that 100% :slight_smile:

Using Toyota as the example, there were a lot of features on the Tacoma I had that would be considered “leading edge” that worked just as well or better than those same features on my BMW and they were also standard and not optional.

I think there are just always going to be certain brands that have terrible reliability relative to their peers but people put up with it for the aesthetics or the perceived exclusivity. Guilty as charged😊

Listen, all I know is; the LR Defender is absolutely
Packed to the gills with all new off-roading technology and I would be scared poop-less to own one, even under a warranty.


Hey, let’s be honest… the most cutting edge technology on a tacoma is wheels that are round.


Toyota was rolling out ACC, etc as standard on $200/mo cars while BMW et al were charging $500 for wireless cellphone charging😜


Same here…Unless the deal was just so incredible it was worth the ruling of the dice🤪. In seriousness though, there’s a reason we see threads titled as this one and very rarely will the same thread be started for a number of other different makes. It’s pretty much the same ones that come up over and over, but fortunately those offerings are compelling enough that people put up with the crap😎

The current jeep craze is a perfect example. Their reputation on these hybrids is already subpar, their financial and logistical operations are borderline disasters, but I am willing to put up with all that because the overall package and effective cost ends up being worth it in my mind.


I know of a dealer who has sold 7 of them. 4 came back to the service department already, one of them was lemon law’ed. They have one on the lot, on display actually in the front of the store on a ramp designed to look like a mountain. It cannot be sold because it will not start and they cannot get it off the ramp to get it to the service department.


The worst part about it all? The Defender has an awesome interior and I can’t stand the exterior.

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This is actually really funny.


I was going to suggest the old “check the fuse box” fix that has become common on the JL Wranglers but I assumed that they must have thought of that already. That should only take a ladder at worst.

They should sell the whole thing as “corporate art” - the Ode to Jeep. Buyer pays for dismantling and haul away :slight_smile:


I knew LR’s could be finicky, but holy moly. :rofl: This would certainly leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Toyota and Honda are the ones who made hybrid and then hydrogen based vehicles more then a novelty and laid path for future

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That doesn’t stop Honda and Toyota from being being where they are now.

Also, didn’t the Prius try to kill people with stuck accelerators and the insight prove to be terribly unreliable and the CRZ hybrid just… well suck?

Prius are great cars, sure; but it wasn’t easy out of the gate.