2022 Jeep Wrangler 4xe


Hi all, first time posting here. Looking forward to your input on my lease write up I got from my sales guy.
My ordered 2022 4xe is scheduled to arrive the dealer sometime this week and my sales person provided his write up.

36 month and 10,000 mile/yr
There is $1500 down payment (which was a deposit) and CO has state tax incentive of $1500 as well as $7500 federal.
I asked the dealer who the bank is, MF and RV %. Waiting on response.
I have a good credit so I don’t doubt on landing on tier1 but monthly payments shown in this is just way more than I expected.
Looking at this breakdown and cross checking in LH calculator, the dealer is not applying $9000 as down payment. Isn’t it how dealers usually apply? Instead, tax incentives are deducting overall price? Which results in higher payments somehow.

I was expecting around $400 with current Sahara 4xe RV 63% and MF .00113.
I don’t intent to keep this car after 3 years btw.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 2)