Current mileage: 20,295
Maturity mileage: 36,275
Effective miles per month:1598
Maturity date: 07/2025
MSD due (if any): $0
Cash due (if any): $0
Incentive for new lessee (if any):
Financial institution: BMW Financial
Transfer fee: $500 + tax (not sure how much that is)
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes
Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:
Hi there! This is my first time attempting a lease transfer and first time posting in here, so please bear with me. Me and the fam are in need of a bigger car, so we’re trying to come clean out of this car. I’m not asking for any money down, just want to transfer my lease asap.
Car is in great condition other than one wheel that has curb rash. Getting the car detailed this weekend (Florida weather)
Would you guys suggest posting through SAL then? I’ve never used them so wasn’t sure how that process goes. From what I’m reading, they’re basically an advertising outlet?
Don’t post pictures until it’s a clean car. You get one chance to make a first impression. No need for a professional detail if that’s causing the delay. Wash it yourself, spray wax and tire shine.