2022 Acura MDX a-spec $815/month


Acura does not allow transfers

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cannot transfer an acura financial lease. wow that’s quite a payment on that truck…

as in really high?

yes it’s really high.

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how much should a 2022 MDX a-spec cost monthly then? I only gave $1K out of pocket.

so why are you asking $3k for someone to take this over from you?

I just noticed that, so sorry it’s a typo!

It’s fixed.

Well that doesn’t solve the problem you can’t transfer an Acura lease.

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Why are you bashing her payment when the mdx a-spec on your page has a $897 effective payment with nyc taxes. Correct me if i’m wrong.


Because mine is a 23.

I rolled NY taxes into my monthly payments, only paid a total of $1K

and the 2022 you posted in march and april were 802 all in. and theyre all 7500 miles.


not to be a dick about it, but OP’s deal was from December. here’s an advance mdx i posted in december, which was cheaper than this a-spec.

i saw, its an average price for that specific car from what ive seen on here.

788 all in, i dont think youre being a dick about it. i just think youre exaggerating when you’re saying its a terrible price but yours is what 50 less with less miles available and like a 1500 msrp difference and you only had one to offer?


advances are typically much more expensive than a-specs. the a-spec is the best leasing mdx trim.

you didnt post any aspec that month so theres no reference point to how cheap yours were at the time. ive been seeing these 750+800+ all in for a while now


Why are you debating the merits of the deal when it can’t be transferred anyway? Moot point. Best of luck to OP trying to dispose of it.


Acura cannot be transferred.