2021 gle 450- oh

Looking at this deal in OH. Please give me your thoughts! Thank You! Looking to do 12k a year for 36 months. 2021 GLE 450 Numbers|375x500

You know our thoughts, but here’s what you want to hear, Great deal, sign it immediately.


I second this. LOL


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :tropical_drink: :chair:

$5k DAS + 1k/month on an $80k car is a hard pass.

SPOILER ALERT: Don’t expect a good deal on a GLE.


I’m so glad someone finally said it… :grin::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

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Might want to check with a broker, @kubikdanon assists in OH.

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You also didn’t properly get rid of your personal details, just an FYI :slight_smile:

What I don’t understand about the quote is that is the dealer giving 5K off MSRP or they are using 5K down-payment to show its a discount off MSRP (WTF)

Does it matter?


Yes. 5K discount is 5k discount. Using your own money and showing it as a discount is next effing level of assholery

You can save $7k if you add wheel and tire protection!!

I especially am enjoying the massively overpriced PPM that doesn’t even pretend to cover the entire lease term :laughing:

There are apparently only two kinds of GLE deals right now.

Shit and garbage.


Not sure where you came up with that. Even with the $4777 discount the dealer is giving, it’s not a good deal.

Just buy the damn car!

Is this for a custom build or is the unit in stock? Just an FYI, right now the 450 models are very hard to get and there have been some horror stories in terms of reliability due to the 48V battery and no available parts to fix them due to part shortages. To see what other owners are going through check out the Mercedes forums.

I am not sure about the 450s but right now for a 350 people are paying in the 700s and 800s plus tax, title, etc. At the end of the day the heart wants what the heart wants.

It is for a custom built.

Not sure if I remember correctly, but MF .00142 and residual 57% or 58% I was just helping a friend getting one. Obviously you’re in a different region, so check on Edmunds for your region. it’s always good to find a low mile demo to give the dealer more play room to get you to your numbers…

Why is there SO MUCH demand for GLE leases?

Two thoughts -

  • Get rid of the prepaid maintenance - you’ll be doing 2 oil changes in the first 36 months on this. That’s about it…
  • If you must have this car - finance it over 84 months and same down payment - you’ll have the same monthly payment.