2020 Toyota Corolla SE - $187.3/mo (before tax), 35 months left, 900 miles per month, includes $5k insurance/protection

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Toyota Corolla SE
Location: Danville, CA 94506

Monthly payment (incl-tax): $201.33
Monthly payment (before-tax): $187.3

Includes $5k excess wear and tear insurance.

Current mileage: 900
Maturity mileage: 32500
Effective miles per month: 900
Maturity date: 4/1/23

Financial institution: Toyota Financial

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Excellent, no issues/scratches/etc.

Email: parmarmihir@gmail.com
Cell: 9087459085

Was this a 39-mo lease with 10k/yr?

@TypeSH Yes!

Just a quick question, why would you buy a $5k wear and tear insurance on a $20k car…
I’m always amazed when people buy expensive policies like this on Toyotas.

You should detail your post further, definitely add the MSRP.
Also did you put the $5k for the wear & tear insurance down? Or is that rolled into the lease?
Certainly many buyers on this site would not be wanting to pay towards the insurance.
Many policies have a cancellation/refund clause, see if this has it. If so I’d suggest you cancel and get your money back.

I can’t even imagine what $5k worth of damage to a corolla looks like.

I think he meant 5K of wear and tear damage is covered, not that the insurance itself actually costs that much.

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I sure hope so

Either way he paid for that 5k “wear and tear insurance” it’s in the payments one way or the other that isn’t free.

Given that the payment is $187.30, I’m guessing he paid the wear and tear upfront. So if you’re interested in taking it over, just consider that a bonus.

For the OP, do look into whether it’s prorated refundable or whatnot, but regardless, the payment is solid especially without MSDs.

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