2020 Nissan Murano S Deal or no deal (lease)?

Zip 33139
2020 Murano S (w/ tech packg) FWD
MSRP 34,070
Selling price 27,800
RV 17,700 (52%, which matched Edmunds info)
MF per Leasehackr calculator might be around 0.0011 (should be at around .00003 per Edmunds)
$1,000 DAS (includes 1st mo.)
PMT 348 (includes tax)


Not bad in my opinion.

Did you compare to the Marketplace?

I have not! I’ll check right now. Thanks!

What does this mean?

Dialing up the MF on the calculator to get to the pmt they’re offering. Which tells me they might be marking it up.