2020 BMW i3 REX $119/mo, 30mo/10K, $6969 DAS, max MSDs

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 BMW i3 REX, Tech Package, Giga World, Moonroof
MSRP: $54945
Selling Price: $49290 (incl. $500 OL code)
Monthly Payment: $119
Drive-Off Amount: $6969 (MSDs, $3K down, tax, title, acq fee, etc.)
Months: 30
Annual Mileage: 10000
MF: 0.00047 (0.00082 buy-rate less MSDs)
Residual: 59%
Incentives: $7500 Lease Credit, $3000 Loyalty, $1000 i3 Lease-to-Lease credit
Region: SoCal
Leasehackr Score: 24.1
Notes: $2K below invoice before incentives, $3K down payment for SCE and CVRP rebates, all inception taxes, fees, and acq. fee paid up front. 7 MSDs

Leasehackr Calculator Link:


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