2019 Volvo XC90 T6 Momentum AWD $462/mo + VA tax 36/15k 6k MSD + 1st mo. DAS

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Volvo XC90 T6 MOM AWD
MSRP: $62930
Monthly Payment: $467 + tax ($540)
Drive-Off Amount: $6k MSD + 1st month
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 15k
MF: .00062
Residual: 56%
Incentives: A-Plan elite bonus, Loyalty Bonus (didn’t quality with early turn in so they just took off $500), Volvo Lease Cash
Region: Virginia
Leasehackr Score: 10.5
Leasehackr Calculator Link: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Volvo&miles=15000&msd=10&msrp=62930&sales_price=49460&months=36&mf=.00112&dp=0&dealer_fee=225&acq_fee=995&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=500&rebate=500&resP=56&reg_fee=31.50&sales_tax=4.15&demo_mileage=0&memo=The%20payment%20is%20%24540%2Fmo%20but%20it%20doesn’t%20add%20up%20on%20here&zero_driveoff=true&salesPriceTax_radio=true

I did a pull ahead on my 2018 S90 5 months early with 30k miles (30k limit) on it.

I got a loaner with about 1500 miles on it. It didn’t qualify for the 1st month waiver, still going to look into this out of curiosity. Applying for the $500 Allstate BonusDrive in a few mins! Pics coming soon!


Nice deal

Is there still lease support on the 2019’s?
I thought I had read not, but seems like you got it done

@Jackpotduc The lease support ended on the 2nd. My dealer backdated it for me since I wasn’t physically able to be there in person til today.

How did the A plan work? I thought it can’t be used on loaners and also they can’t discount as aggressively when using Aplan.

The way they explained it to me is that they didn’t use the A-plan but used the a plan elite bonus. It didn’t make sense to me but it was part of the incentives. The only thing I didn’t get was the first month waiver. @Ursus @mllcb42 These two can probably tell me how much more room I had on this thing. I didn’t want to walk away from the deal though since I had to turn in the S90 and my miles on it were up.

I am just confused about this A plan bonus. Let’s see if @ursus and @mllcb42 can help.

As of about 18 months ago, they aren’t supposed to be able to do this when discounting beyond the a-plan rate. It’s possible that they gave you however much the bonus was ($750?) as a dealer discount and just called it the a-plan bonus. Also possible that it’ll get bounced back to them by volvo and they’ll have to eat it. Also possible they have some weird exemption from the rule somehow.

They apparently went to an all digital system now and the contract was sent to Volvo for approval; we waited, and it was sent back to dealer by Volvo to finish the process. Everything was signed on a digital pad they had.

Also, I saw the bonus was $750 on the a plan website, but they had it listed at $1000 so it’s possible they just called it that. I did have to sign the A-Plan form and provide my pin though so idk


What @mllcb42 said, for the most part. But a-plan cannot be used on a loaner and yours has 1,500 miles, meaning it was punched. In any case, they said they did not use a-plan, so they could not have possibly give you a-plan cash which comes from Volvo and is attached to a-plan. So, they just gave you extra discount for the same amount.
Edit: just read above. They had you sign the form but never sent it Volvo. No idea why they would do it.

Ah yes, missed that part.

I’d love to know what the actual incentives are that were applied to this. Anyone know what incentives were on the 19 T6 MOM last month?

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You can look it up on Edmunds for South (Atlanta)

Figured before going through the edmunds forum for december hoping somebody had asked, I’d see if anyone know off hand.

Found one poster from Florida, which is probably the same, saying $3k in incentives.

If that’s the case, discount was ~17% pre-incentive, which is pretty solid for a loaner with 1500 miles.


Since you guys seem pretty sure, the only other incentive I can think of is the 3k in lease cash by Volvo. Another member (@emasyakin) said there was a pop-up $500 but my dealer said that expired on the 23rd of December not on the 2nd of Jan. (He showed me the email)

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The 17% number assumes only the 3k in lease cash and nothing else. They may have had some magical way to apply the other stuff, but I’m guessing not and that they just rolled it into the discount.

Regardless, doesn’t sound like a bad deal to me.

I guess they were trying to say they didn’t use the A Plan for the discount but used the elite bonus. However, from reading above from you and Matt, sounds like they just ate it since it couldn’t be used at all.

You can’t have one without the other, like I said :slightly_smiling_face:

Yup, oh well! Worked out for me either way lol


Congrats! That’s super-nice deal, given 15k miles.