2019 MB AMG GLC43 Coupe

Hi all,

Looking @ a GLC43 Coupe in 60641 - this is my first lease i’ve ever negotiated, wondering how I should go about it.

Term: 36/10

MSRP: 71,530
Sell Price: 53,647

Edmunds Base MF: 00159
RV: 49%

Dealer Cash: 5k

I plugged this into the lase hacker calc and got $587 / mo - if I can secure this, is it a good deal? Is it realistic to ask for these MF numbers?

Any advice for a first-timer is appreciated.

If you can, it’s a great deal. However, I’m almost certain the dealer is including that $5k lease cash in the selling price.

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Got it, how far north would this have to travel to be an un-great deal :stuck_out_tongue:

So, talked to some of the folks. They’re coming up with about 870/mo zero down with that sale price.

They also talked about a ‘balloon’ finance/lease? Stating it’s a better choice in the chicago market than a traditional lease.

Any insight or red flags i should be aware of?

I posted this deal in the Chicago market, this is the initial offer that was provided. It is still available if you want it.

I don’t believe it is a coupe but I can provide you more information if you are interested. This has all been negotiated already and you can probably push it to sub 580/month

I’ve linked you to the sub post that talks about the 2019 GLC

SO hooked on that coupe look lol - though this is indicative of the typs of deals ppl can get.

What would u say is reasonable on this GLC43? They’re comin back to me with what seems like high monthly payment given the sell price

I wouldn’t know tbh, there are so many factors to work out. What dealership are you working with?

Fletch jones on North

Need to see the LHC, can you provide? I see 19 GLC 43 have a decent amount left. I think you can do better .

LHC - leasehackr.com/calculator?make=none&miles=12000&msd=0&msrp=71530&sales_price=53647&months=36&mf=.00159&dp=0&dealer_fee=85&acq_fee=595&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=49&reg_fee=400&sales_tax=9&demo_mileage=0&memo=&monthlyTax_radio=true

I used the base MF pulled from edmunds forums. Was told they’re using dealer cash (5K) to get that sell price.

They wouldn’t tell me the MF they’re using because they’re doing something called a “balloon finance/lease” (can’t recall the exact verbiage).

Imagine a bank signing you up for a loan and refusing to tell you the interest rate. It’s hilarious. Tell them the same - no MF, no deal.

When you put it that way, definitely smells of fishiness.

Dont know how did you get 587/mo, check the LHC below (742/mo) based on your numbers. Not sure if the fees are correct.

Yeah I had a slight mistake with including the dealer-cash before I learned they incorporated that in the selling price (so, previous calc was sell price + additional incentive).

The 742/mo is closer to my expectation than what they’re currently telling me (947/mo).

Dealer cash should be untaxed incentive

Most likely would look like this


I was not sure if “Zero down” really means zero drive off mentioned by the sale person. Could it be zero down payment? Either way dealer number is still very high.

Thanks for the input