2019 GLC 300 lease

Please review this deal and let me know.

Update: Got the breakdown from the dealer

Cap Cost: 38713.25 (fees and first month paid up front)

Residual: 24138.85

Money Factor: .00081 (with maximum security deposits)

Term: 36

Base Payment: (Cap cost – residual) / term = (38713.25 – 24138.85) / 36 = 455.75

Rent Charge: (cap cost + residual) * mf = (38173.25 + 24138.85) * .00081 = 28.49

Pre-tax payment: 455.75 + 28.49 = 484.24

Tax: 484.24 * .0625 = 28.48

Total Payment: 484.24 (based on top tier credit approval)