2019 BMW M850xi $799/month plus tax SOLD

Need to move White on Black 2019 BMW M850xi Price includes Loyalty

MSRP: $117,445
Monthly Payment: $799 + tax
Drive-Off Amount: (1st payment+Dealer fee+Acq fee = $2,236+ 7MSD’s+Tax)
Annual Mileage:10,000
MF: .00102
Residual: 55%
Available Incentives: $3,000 loyalty
Region: Anywhere
Leasehackr Score:11.7
Leasehackr Calculator Link:leasehackr.com/calculator?make=BMW&miles=10000&msd=7&msrp=117445&sales_price=90750&months=36&mf=.00137&dp=0&dealer_fee=512&acq_fee=925&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=3000&rebate=0&resP=55&reg_fee=0&sales_tax=0&demo_mileage=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&monthlyTax_radio=true


This should go very quick. Great deal !

Nice, just the other day i posted these cars are really only “worth” $750/m with $0 DAS… almost there, lol

Is this still available?

Hell of a low ball

That v8tt is amazing, tech is competition leading, luxury is next level


yes it is available

Damn. I literally said What the Fuck. Ths is a fantastic deal


Silly question but is this the Coupe or Gran Coupe?

I told you it was a silly question :grinning:. I agree,
it should go quick.

Black interior or else, I’d be wanting it so much, white or not.

I live in Minnesota. Does this deal work for me? If so, what is payment look like for 15k miles per year. Thanks.

Is it still available