2019 BMW 530i $517.65/month $0 Down

Please let me know what you think of this deal and how much room I have to work with. The salesman said it’s not eligible for any sort of conquest or other lease deals or MSD because it has over 5k miles on it.

*DEMO CAR driven by one person with 5,915 miles
2019 BMW 530i:
MSRP: $57,785
Selling Price $41,991.
Monthly Payment: $517.61+ taxes $566.82 total
Drive-Off Amount: $0 down $1234.90 due at signing
MSDs: $0
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: $15,000
MF: 0.00128
Residual: 47.66%
5,915 miles
Incentives: No addtional rebates
Region: SoCal

that’s actually not bad for being above 5k miles but I would tell them I want more off msrp and see what they say. Maybe try some loaners under 5k, I know stock is dwindling so see what you get.

Do you know why the lease calculator is showing different numbers? Am I inputting something wrong?

put the normal residual in as if the car had less than 5k miles and then input your miles, it will automatically adjust for you. Right now it shows 36% residual which is way lower than your actual residual of 47%.

Thank you!

no problem.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

Oh my… residuals are killer this month