2019 330xi lease end options


See above post from max_g.

Jeep 4xe or Nissan Frontier - Lots of info on this forum about the type of lease deals folks have been getting.

What is your budget? What is your end goal? Are you close to making a decision on a car? If not, then I would suggest you start narrowing down your choices.

Internet strangers can’t make a decision for you. You have lots of info. If you want to drive another BMW, there are deals to be had on custom orders.

Good luck.

Among PHEV: Prius prime, RAV4 prime or Sorento

Among EV: Tesla model 3 & Y, mustang Mach E.

What is the lease deal on a Tesla model 3? Thanks!

Thanks! What are the best deals for a BMW now - which custom orders?

Depends on the model/trim you are interested in. I would suggest checking out broker deals on their in-stock units. Be prepared for sticker shock.

These are all cars that need to be financed in order to leverage the rebates that only go to the owner. Not to a lessee.

Yes, I will finance if it is a better deal. What are the rebates and deals on a Model 3? Thanks!

You are going to have to do your own research. Teslas sell for MSRP. They do not offer deals on brand new cars.

Never lease a Tesla.

Other than Wrangler and Frontier, what are the best deals on Coupe or Sedan leases now?

I would suggest checking out broker deals in the “Marketplace”. There aren’t really any good deals on sedans at the moment. Coupe deals were bad pre-pandemic; they are even worse now.

So other than Wrangler and Frontier, what are the best deals?
What is the effective monthly lease price $0 Down Drive Off (approximate average) on a Wrangler 4XE now?



Don’t expect to be spoon fed information. That is not how this forum works. If you are not ready to follow any of my suggestions above, then I’m out.

Mine for sure. :slightly_smiling_face:

WTF is wrong with you?

You can’t navigate to the Marketplace section on LH by yourself? Click on a broker’s thread and see for yourself?

Spoonfeeding is over.



4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Returning BMW lease

Closed due to being a duplicate thread by the same user. Newer posts merged into his existing thread.