2018 Volvo S90 T5 Momentum AWD MSRP $56,505 - $399 Monthly Plus Tax 24/7.5K 0 Due


Let’s not talk about past offers that never materialized. Numbers change, so this is current reality.
3.5k Volvo + 3k a-plan + 11% (or 9% and 1k dealer cash available this month). 695 + 75 dealer fee rolled in (estimated). So, 9% off with ALL available cash is not bad by any means.

My offer was 5 days ago. There is 5.5k from volvo, 3k a plan and 5k dealer.

It gets better… Look here

You are almost right, I used my local incentives. It’s 5K from Volvo in NY, not 3.5k. Then 1K dealer cash may also be my local.

You are right. Regional incentives. Good point, sorry for the confusion.

No, you were actually closer to the truth than I was. There is extra $1.5k in allowances in NY, so the discount is about 8% off MSRP - $500 less than what you got.