2018 New C43 Mercedes Benz - $574/month

A special thank you for Leasehackr community.
2018 Mercedes Benz C43
MSRP: $67,405
Selling Price: 12% off of MSRP including Penfed
Trade-in: [$0]
Months: [36]
Annual Mileage: [10,000]
MF: .00135 buy rate(dec 2017)
Residual: 61%(dec 2017)
Security Deposit: $0
Total Due At Signing: 2500 (1st month payment included)+ NJ tax
Monthly Payment (incl. tax): $574 including maintenance package$1125)

10 MSD’s : $6500
MF after MSD’s:00065
Zip Code: 07067
Sales Tax Rate: 7%
Signed the deal on 2nd Jan and picked the car today.
Benedetto had advised me on my car leasing process.

A big shout out to Wayne Scholar(Sales) of Fred Martin Benz, Youngstown, Ohio who made my car lease possible. He had asked me what discount and MF I was looking for to close the deal and worked with me to get the best deal.


Very nice deal considering the NJ tax
Post some photos!