2018 F-150 Lariat lease?

Hello, I’m interested in info on the following:

Ford F-150 Lariat 4x4 3.5 Ecoboost
36/12k or 36/15k

Any input is much appreciated!

edmunds lol also look through the forum for recent F-150 deals

lol, thanks again. New to this site as of today.

I see a bunch of people getting their RV & MF questions answered here. Is it just the incentive portion I should look to Edmunds for?

I have not been able to find RV or MF info at Edmunds.

Thanks again!

There’s a PCO out there for $1500 this month. I got one in my email a couple a days ago.

Also, you can build a truck out on Ford.com and it will give the lease incentives(rebates) on the payment estimator. You can even locate one at any dealer.

Thank you!

I heard there was a link to obtain this PCO. Would you happen to know how to request that?

I signed up for get updates on Ford’s page, it’s at the bottom of the page. Someone on here can probably get you one too, do a search. Also check the F150 forum.

https://forums.edmunds.com/discussion/46636/ford/f-150/2018-ford-f-150-lease-deals-and-prices Post which trim, lease terms, and location and they will give you MF/RV

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i used the chat on ford.com, and they let me know i had a PCO offer. I don’t remember ever receiving it in the mail, but they gave me the code through the chat. Worth a shot.


I’ve been on the hunt everywhere for the new PCO and have come up empty.

Are your signed up for their updates through Ford.com? Mine was $1500 this month

Yes, did a link pop up for the offer?

If you’re signed up for the updates you should get an email, might take a day or two. @pmadruga might be able to help too

The $1500 is such a letdown compared to the $3k last month.

There’s always another deal and there’s always someone that paid less than you…or maybe not on this site🤑

True, but anything is better than nothing.

Yes, some on this site can be a bit price obsessed (present company included).