2018 E400 Wagon - Designo Magno Selenite Grey Metalic - $682.03/MO + MSD - TRANSFER COMPLETE

Need to have the rear facing 3rd row and I think they would sell more

This car has the rear facing third row seat. That is standard on this model.

I just have never used it!

I bet you just made someone scream out loud when they read this.

Yup, I had no idea. Let me run by my wife.

Op can you DM me the Rv please? Or post it, am interested.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

Very nice build and great deal. Should go quick.

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Just here for the pictures. By far the best color in the Mercedes lineup. GLWS!

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Let me know her thoughts!

I just asked my wife and she said she likes sitting high while driving.

Stop, I can only get so erect!


I’m just looking at other E400 wagons, now.

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My god! Such a gorgeous car!

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Love it. Solid build. And a solid price on it, too.

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Who is gonna take this thing already?! Great deal for a rare car and build

I would if I was in the market. Sweet car! Great deal.

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i would pick this up right now if it weren’t for the 8500 MSD. If there is anyway around that let me know

Everyone in this thread is saying it is a great price. You are basically asking for this car for less than $210 per month for the remaining 18 months…


Not what i meant. Its a great car at a great price. Id be happy to pay the additional 200 per month instead of coming out of pocket 8500 is what i meant. anyway for MB to increase payment and refund MSD?

I have never thought to ask MBFS this question. Let me make a call today and see what they can offer inf anything.

Any forum members have feedback here who have worked through a situation like this?

Appreciate the help.