2018 BMW X3 M40i loaner lease terms?


Is this a good deal for a lease? I walked away, as I felt the MF was too high, residual too low.
State: Colorado
2018 BMW X3 M40i 4,519 miles
MSRP 61595
Sale discount: 8114
Sale price: 53481
Rebates: 1750
Cash down 3000
Adv payment/dealer fee 674.75
MF 0.00207
RV 0.58
Monthly payment 674.75

I tried to get them to shift the MF down below 0.002 but they refused to go lower, their initial offer was 0.0022! Hoping to get closer to that $600/mo mark. Is it possible or am I spending too much time on the webs?

I just signed a lease with BMW for a MF of .00177 so maybe that can be fixed.
I think the residual is fine but don’t have down payment unless its for other fees.
If they’re stubborn about it just walk away and wait for the next month MF maybe it might be lower.
You can also do better on the sale price, aim for 15 to 20% for loaners is the general census for people here from what I’ve seen.

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Thanks @elbart. Thats the MF I keep seeing thrown around. The dealer said he “hadn’t seen an MF below 0.002 in years”. If this statement is true, suspect it’s more related to the dealer than the availability of the deal. Not sure if it’s also something regional to northern CO as well.

Philly the mf for x3 is .00177 for march. That’s the BASE. Dealer can mark it up so he’s lying to you. Rv can not be changed and is set. Yours is lowered most likely due to the miles on the car. You should make up then done by a higher discount on the car

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Yeah…he’s lying to you. Base MF has been the same for the entire country, and hasn’t been above .002 in years.

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Thank you @Lax854 and @mp11477. What strategies do you use then to negotiate them down when you have this information?

Walk out that door …it’s the best strategy you have. You want to balance percentage off msrp and elevating mf. If you maximize you discount while keeping base mf…obv the better deal that comes. Your base is .00177 tell the dealer before you negotiate you won’t discuss anything without base mf. Then work on percentage off msrp…then you whip out the rebates available on the car. But I’m a newbie so if these guys have better way please share

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Don’t fall in love with the car, don’t be afraid to walk and throw a large net when negotiating…don’t just send 1 email off to 1 dealer. You have to be willing to travel for the best deal.

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Besides the mf isn’t the discount meager for a 2018 on 3-30-19?

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Thats what I though too- came in at about 14%, they wouldnt go lower on that either, asked about 16-17%, which would be more reasonable

Even though it is an M40, I don’t think I could stomach any less than 18% off at this point, personally. And any money you put up front should be for MSDs rather than cap cost reduction.