2018 BMW i3 REX

**Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2018 BMW i3 REX

**MSRP: $ 53145
**Selling Price: $ 48775
**Monthly Payment: $ 346.22 (including Tax)
**Cash Due at Signing: $ 4000
**MSD: None
**Incentives: $7500 tax, $2000 Loyalty, $ 500 fleet

**Months: 30
**Annual Mileage: 12k miles
**MF: 0.00166
**Residual: 60%

**Region: Los Angeles
**Leasehackr Score: 17.3 years

The minimum drive off including tax, fee and first month etc is $ 3044. So I decide to add $1000 to make it $ 4000 DAS. Will get post sale rebate of $ 3950 total ( BMWCCA $ 1000 + SCE $ 450 + CVRP $ 2500).

Discount is 8%, didn’t try harder to get it lower since the i3 inventory is low on all dealer in socal. Deal received from Greg Poland @ Pacific BMW, which he will always show lowest price he can provide without even hustling…

Scheduling to pick the car this Saturday…

I got an i3 2 weeks ago. 11% off msrp.

I see you have already listed details here. Thank you!

Which dealer did you go to toddg? Did you get a deal on a REx? Thank you!

i3 BEV

Shoot for a better discount off MSRP.

$3044 in drive off??? Not sure about that… double check on that.

Unfortunately, unless you reside in Cali - where a Dealer may potentially earn some dollars because of service visits - anything beyond 11% is going to be a tall order given the current inventory.

In Cali I wouldn’t expect to get something higher than 10% discount…you need to try really hard and it may not happen. Check the inventory in SoCal for I3 now and you will see why some dealer only gives 5% discount or less…Low inventory and high demand. You can certainly wait till the inventory gets back, but I need to get the car in less than 2 weeks and I have no time to wait…

Found out it can be zero driver off but not my case. I have mortgage and another BMW M3 lease, with a conservative income filled while the online application. BMWFS can only approve 81% of the I3 MSRP , thus my minimum drive off is $3022.