2017 Honda Civic Hatchback Sport Touring

Year: [2017]
Make, Model, and Trim: [Honda Civic Hatchback Sport Touring]
Months/Annual Mileage: [36/12K]
Zip Code: [89148]

Hi guys and gals! Looking to get into a lease. This is my first lease ever in my life and want to do it right the first time. Something tells me I’ve come to the right place to figure it all out.

I’ve made contact with the dealer already and they have reserved or ordered the car because they don’t have a white one. I put $300 down to do this. I haven’t told the dealer that I’ll be leasing. I plan to negotiate the sale price of the car prior to talking payment options (purchase or lease). Am I headed down the right street?

Thanks! Wade

You should have shopped around. Another dealer didn’t have this car? Not sure if your money is stuck with dealer? Someone else can chime in. I would have been negotiating selling price for lease straight away with different locations. Have the one with the best offer get the car. You limited your negotiating power with this dealership.

No worries. My money is still my money. It is earnest to say I want the car.

This gets the car into the city. I have three Honda dealers to fit over my business. If one won’t deal. I’ll move on.

Got the numbers today…

$29,900 MSRP
$26,750 Sale Price

36/12k 56% .00060

does this all sound about right?

The residual and money factor are correct. Unfortunately, Honda doesn’t incentivize their leases very heavily.

I get $342 a month with your figures. You could probably get a luxury brand for the same money, since you’re looking into a Sport Touring trim.

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