2017 EQUINOX LT - Quote from LA Dealer...MF 0.00240 is that high?

24 Months
10,000 Miles/Year
$3,361.11 Upfront Payment (One Time Pay lease)

66% Residual
.000240 Money Factor
$29,835 MSRP
$27,835 Selling Price
$6,200 Rebates (1,700 GM Financial, 1,500 CCR, 3,000 Lease Conquest)

My credit score varies 680-745 depending on what report is pulled. Is that Tier 1 for GMAC? Shoudn’t the MF be more like 0.00147?

They pull Experian. I believe you only need 700 for Tier 1.

One pay money factor should be
0.00092-0.00042 = 0.0005
If you do acq fee waiver then add 0.00055 = 0.00105

If you are in LA, check my post. Then you can have similar numbers if you find tag($1500) more incentive.

Some dealer willing to help finding tag. Email or call

Probably not super important for the lease but you should try to get your credit report from all 3 bureau’s and clear things up … having a swing from 680-745 is pretty large and is not common and you will have more problems down the line. Better start fixing it now (it takes a while) so that your credit score can be stable across the board when you really need it