Working on the following deal on a 2017 Cruze Hatchback LT Manual
Term 24 mo/10k
Where I’m at:
MSRP $22965
Cap Cost $20649
Residual 67% (I believe this is applicable to manuals as well, I have not gotten the info from dealer)
MF 0.00101 (Waives acquisition fee to bump MF up from 0.00046)
Incentives $2225 (1225 lease cash, $1000 private offer from existing Volt)
Adjusted Cap Cost $18424
Payment 161 + taxes
Drive off First Month + Taxes
First this looks pretty good but what I want is an additional $1000 off either in way of an incentive or $1000 off the Adjusted Cap Cost to get to $118/mo + taxes any other rebates besides the farm bureau I can bring up to get there? We have an existing BMW lease if we can stack a competitive lease cash somehow.
Thanks, we swapped to the 1500 competitive lease offer and split the difference of the other 500. Ended up at 125+taxes with ~$300 at signing inclusive of first payment and taxes on all rebates. Should of done this in December so I would have had an additional $500 for the competitive lease and 700 costco card which should have netted me a sub $100 lease payment but was waffling at the time on what to do with our Volt.