2016 C300 4MATIC / 2016 BMW 528 xDrive numbers please

Year: 2016
Make, Model, and Trim: Mercedes-Benz C300 4MATIC
Months/Annual Mileage: 36/12K
Zip Code: 07650 or 11576

Year: 2016
Make, Model, and Trim: BMW 528i xDrive
Months/Annual Mileage: 36/12K
Zip Code: 07650 or 11576

I’m looking at some demo/loaner car deals, and
I need the MF and RV for these cars.
Thank you!

2016 C300 4MATIC
36/12K: 59% RV, .00083 MF

2016 528i xDrive
36/12K: 57% RV, .00134 MF

You’ll have to adjust the residual down by $.25/mile for every mile over 500.

Thank you for the quick response!
BTW, for the zip code, do you need the zip code for my residence or the dealership?
I just gave you the zip for my residence, but the dealership I’m in talk right now is in a different state.
It’s my first time leasing so I’m a newbie.

With MBFS and BMW FS, the programs do not vary by region, so zip code doesn’t matter.

With other brands, the programs are regional, in which case it’s based on your zip code of residence.

Question - would the RV/MF be the same for a C450? 2016 in Portland, Oregon?

@ineedacar how do you search for these Mercedes across an X mile radius (as opposed to visiting each dealer’s website to look for exec/demo specials)?

BMW, I’m assuming you are looking at 2016 CPO Elite cars?

And, if it’s not listed on the dealer’s website, is there a quick way to find the car’s original MSRP? (without which it would be hard to compute the $ residual value)

2016 C450 4MATIC
36/12K: 58% RV, .00096 MF