Hi everyone,
I just completed my first lease, and wanted to share the details in case they’re helpful to anyone. It was a loaner with about 4000 miles on it.
2016 BMW 328i xDrive
Term: 24mo / 10k mi
MSRP: $43,445
Sale: $31,000
Residual $26950
Aq Fee: $925
Doc Fee: $300
7 MSDs: $2100
MF: 0.00091 after MSDs (.00140 before MSDs)
Monthly Payment: $275
I rolled the acquisition and doc fees into the monthly payments so it was sales tax, title fee, registration, and first months payment up front.
I’m happy to hear any tips or suggestions for next time as well (24 months to go…)
I also wanted to say thanks to everyone on this forum. This is a great resource and was extremely helpful.