1st time leaseing questions

Just got off the phone with a dealer and I didnt even try to talk him down on the price.

Evergreen Discount
- $6,040
- $8,050
Evergreen Sale Price

I got my numbers from Edmond on MF and residual and he told me they were wrong and not even close.
For 24/10k it was .35% and 62% residual. Making the payment 200 w/tax. He told me it would be $450 something according to the ford website. I told him to stop looking at the ford website, but he said that dictates everything they do. I Don’t know what to do now?

The advertised online prices generally are for purchase. I’m assuming this is Evergreen Ford. You need to use autobytel to figure out what the incentives are on a lease and then calculate it out.

There’s so much info missing here, I guess is an F150 but who knows.

You can’t mix and match incentives. They could be completely different from purchase to lease, especially if the lease rate is below market. A $200 payment doesn’t pass the common sense test for a $46K truck. $450 sounds reasonable and decent.

MF 0.35%? Does Ford use % rates? If that’s accurate, then they’re spending a lot of money to buy down the rate and I wouldn’t expect such colossal rebates.

Edit: maybe Ford has lost their mind…

Sorry for the missing Information. Yes it was a ford F-150. I guess my question was, what happens when your dealing with someone who doesn’t know what they are doing? Do you call again and talk to someone else? I got the .35% and 62 at another dealer, but I’m currently without the $3000 PCO.

Just email the dealer which the kind of deal you’re looking for. It’s slower, but more likely to be accurate. You could follow up with a phone call to make sure the dealer knows you’re serious.

Have you done this yet for the PCO

It’s very region specific. I at most can seek out $2300 in rebates in the SE if I pick a vehicle which has been on the lot for a long time and one with the 2.7L engine. Other regions have had lease rebates approaching 5k. That combined with the 3k PCO, can get you to sub $300 on a 50k truck. Because of the rebate challenges, I am in 350-400 range on XLT crew cabs.

there is no way a 46K truck should be leasing for $200

Its not working, I tried it on the 30th and I was a day late on it. I would of had myself a Ford Lariat for $250/month.

You were unable to use the PCO or unable to obtain it? Mine says it’s good through Oct 1. If I can find an f150 in 250-300 range, I will use it. Which Lariat can style could you have gotten for 250?

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I was a day late on the obtaining the PCO, therefore I couldn’t make the deal happen. I regret not grabbing the PCO when I first saw it, but I read the post as negotiate the price then grab PCO after you get price.