10-12% off MSRP normal for 2021 BMW X3 xDrive30i?

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OP, here’s my feedback based on my own personal non-expert opinion.

My recommendation is for you to use the calculator with the base MF and all your inputs, etc. in it. Then play with the numbers. What does a 1% reduction in MSRP get you? What does an increase in MF do to your monthly? I personally prefer to pay zero DAS (capitalize everything).

Then once you know how much this dealer is making you have room to negotiate. And if the dealer wants to decrease price more but keep the increased MF you will still know that you’re getting the monthly rate you want and how you got there won’t matter.

If you’re serious about buying from CA (don’t waste his time if not), reach out to @BMW_Dave with a stock number you like and see how much he can do. Shipping is probably 500-700 but he would know best.

Good luck!

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You can try but it’s abnormal in your market.

Hi @HODLSafemoon (thank you @ETL for the reference),

I am a broker here in Denver. I would love to help you personally but typical BMW discounts in this area along with shrinking inventory will make a 10% off pre-incentive deal nearly impossible around here. Could it happen? Sure. Maybe you talk to the right store on the right day and they’re desperate to sell car but right now, it’s a seller’s market and they are not keen on giving away a vehicle when they can’t replace it.

To give you perspective on inventory shortages, the 5 BMW dealers in the Denver region show 10, 10, 10, 6 and 3 X3 xDrive30i’s in stock. Now, reduce that by at least 30% for cars that are sold/pending or still in-transit. That leaves you about 26 available X3 xDrive30s for the entire Denver region. That’s insane. With about 5 per store, you can see why the discounts are tight.

The sales price that you were provided is about what you can expect around here. I’m sure that includes the lease cash so they’re taking about $715 off the car. Sounds about right unfortunately. They’re also discounting the car $2520 then adding back $1475 in accessories. I hope those are residualized cause if not, that’s another added expense. It’s not sexy or a unicorn but that’s where you’re at around here. If you’re adamant about getting a crazy deal, you’ll likely have to search pretty far out (geographically) or wait until the market gets to a ‘normal’ balance of supply & demand.

I wish I had better news but that’s where we stand right now. I know you said you’re new to Leasehackr so just understand that, for example, comparing a deal in Denver in April to a deal in Jersey in March isn’t fair. Regional offers change, inventory changes, market dynamics are different and dealer pricing strategies change especially with inventory shrinking drastically.

If you want to work with a broker in Denver, I’d be happy to help to ensure you get the best deal possible for this region. I don’t charge a separate broker fee; the payment I provide is the payment you get.

Best of luck on your search and continue to do your homework on Leasehackr and Edmunds forums to help educate yourself on how you can dial-in your own lease calculations.



Drew is spot on here. I’m in Denver as well and spent many months leading up to my current lease end trying to get a 2021 X3 M40i at 10% off MSRP before incentives and base MF. You’ll basically get laughed at by the dealers in this state asking for a deal like that right now. I actually decided to work with a broker out of the Northeast because I was able to get a custom build at 10% off MSRP and base MF. I’m flying out there in a week with points to take delivery and driving the car back through Chicago to visit family and then back to Denver. Is this practical for everyone? Probably not, but I was able to get the deal I wanted and have a fun road trip with a new car out of it. I think for an X3 xDrive30i you’re best bet is to stay local and use a broker in Denver to get you the best deal. I’ve also heard great things about Centennial Leasing & Sales where Drew is at. Best of luck!


Thank you everyone for the feedback. I have learned a lot! I will continue to do my research on the lease info you all recommended. I am open to traveling for the right deal as @bbalestri mentioned. I am moving to south FL June 1st so I have also left open the possibility of getting the car down there if it is more economical.

Again, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for the amazing feedback. I appreciate each of you greatly.


South Florida is even worse. Stop by Michigan on the way and you can hit the trifecta of impossible BMW markets :laughing:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5

So complete newbie here… I know this is a car leasing forum, but what if someone decides to finance instead? Should I expect the selling price to be the same (pre incentives) if I’m leasing or financing?

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Deal should be the same as long as dealer is arranging financing.

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