Volvo S90 Deal - What do you think?

You can easily get 20% on a Volvo Sedan. They are selling the SUVs like hotcakes, so they are letting the S60 and S90 go. Norwood is doing 4x the volume in SUVs compared with Sedans.

AS they say, works everytime 60% of the time, :slight_smile:
I am focused on the Porsche or E class deal this weekend, so sorry won’t be able to swing by my favorite Volvo dealer until next week.

4% holdback + let’s say $3K off MSRP to invoice = about 10% off MSRP. Where are you going to get another 10% off before all lease cash & loyalty?

Volume. They have another 10% factory kickback on the oldest inventory.
Scott has 9 preowned with 0 miles and 10 new in inventory. All sitting since Nov 2016. So he is either gonna let it go at 400 or watch it gather dust. My s60 had a layer of dust so thick, he had to apologize when I went for a test drive.

And you know for a fact that they they would do it now because
? Because last year they wanted to get rid of 3 unpopular CC? :slight_smile:

Because as a Russian hacker, I hacked into Herb Chambers personal computer where he said please lease an S90 to vhooloo at 400.

This is not my first lease, or first visit to a dealer, so I know. YMMV. And it’s fine 
 When the ad comes out next week, I will do one of my epic screen shots and PM you :slight_smile:

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I want to see the actual deal. Otherwise - it’s all wishful thinking :wink:
p.s. and don’t send screenshots like the one you did for Jeep today LOL

S90 Conquest Bonus Cash available for eligible customers who currently own or lease one of the following makes: BMW, Audi, Infiniti, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, or Jaguar. Conquest Bonus cannot be combined with the S90 Lease Pull ahead Program

Vhooloo drops mike and wishes y’all happy hunting :slight_smile: I would get 20% off the S90 loaner

No I ain’t gonna lease an S90 just so you can look at the deal :slight_smile:

Not just from you - from anybody. Just like in your list of real deals to have this weekend.

Well guys, I found a loaner with about 4.5k mi nearby. I will try and shoot for 25% off and all of the conquest/bonus allowances.

There’s the 4000 out there plus 1950 for Vision on a T6.

And perhaps the 3000 conquest on top.

That would be 8950 in incentives. If that is all stackable we should be in the low 300s.


Where did you see $3,000 conquest on Volvo? Never seen that high.

vhooloo’s post above shows a picture with $3k Conquest Bonus Cash.

Might it be only for NE?

I see a huge


in there. Some dealer’s gimmick. If there was one, it would’ve been on the Volvo site.

But yeah, missed it last night while sparring with @vhooloo :slight_smile:

*S90 Conquest Pull Ahead Offer for eligible customers that currently lease one of the following makes: Audi, BMW, Infiniti, Lexus & Mercedez-Benz. Volvo will reimburse the customer’s balance of their lease commitment for up to 6 months at a maximum of $750 per month (maximum total value $4,500). See your Volvo dealer for complete details.

I just googled this. Did they give $3k Conquest back in Dec 2016?

Go for it Mookie. I am pretty sure you will get a good deal on the Volvo. And it is a nice car :slight_smile:

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Interesting. Didn’t know they ever offered anything more than $1,000 conquest. There weren’t any high lease allowances then, though.

Ps @Mookie while shopping for S90, don’t forget to leave yourself plenty of time to get back to Fenway for the game tonight -we need a couple of HR from you :slight_smile: