Using Hackr calculator? Lease cash

I am researching different SUVs at a number of dealerships - Do I enter lease cash within the calculator? If yes, which field?

Either taxed or untaxed incentives… depends on the state/captive

So based these numbers - am I correctly inputting?

.00140 MF and 56% residual
$2225 dealer lease cash

I don’t know the numbers provided by the dealer but looks good. 16% off seems really high for a VW, but if that’s accurate, good for you. Some dealers will roll in rebates into their price to make it look more aggressive so double check. Are you buying in NY and registering in NJ? Doc fee is low but know NY is capped around that.

Note that the sales tax calculation is usually off $5-$10 but should be relatively close to what the dealer provides. You likely will have to fiddle with the calculator as dealer may show more money down to cover other items including acquisition.

Does it match what the dealer provided?