US Bank Lease Question


Given my rough credit situation, I was thrilled to see a solid deal on a Wrangler on Honcker, so I jumped on it. Fast forward, and I’m being told I need a strong co-signer (which I’d rather avoid, for personal reasons), or a down payment. This was at the end of the day, so I didn’t hear a response about the down payment.

So, anyone know what kind of payment should I expect? What should I accept for a car I’m leasing for 380 a month? (Buying is not an option either)

You’re giving about as much detail as saying a pizza place in New Jersey. We have 0 clue what the payment should be

Try 36 months better. Still under warranty. Payment might not be that much higher. Just talk to honcker to switch to 36 months. Deal does not look bad with bad credit and assume no loyalty or conquest.

36 month option is $395, still not bad. I just have no idea what to expect with this down payment. I’ve heard of increasing down payments on financing in order to meet credit standards, but not on leasing. Hopefully they’ll just ask for all the standard fees down

Run it by here first. Payment should go down if you put downpayment.

Thanks, will do!

On another note- my experience with Honcker has been amazing so far. Just hard without that human touch.

Update: The bank wants $465 a month with 2k down. Not going to take this. Frustrating to know I don’t have options since I have new credit and my parents have bad credit.

The bank has nothing to do with payment unless you got tier 1 rate initially. Did you get the deal initially based on tier 1 credit or tier 3?

I don’t think I was approved to begin with. This is what they want for approval

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