Sold Thanks! 2017 loaner S90 T6 inscription [NJ]

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pardon the ignorance, somebody tell me if I’m reading this right:

so one could theoretically expect a dealer to be rebated:

  1. $1k if you’re a Volvo owner to buy (or $500 to lease)
  2. $3k if you’re employed by the right company
  3. an additional $4250 for the helluvit
  4. ANOTHER $4500 for the helluvit

for a total of $12750, BEFORE you negotiate a discount?

apologies for the newby question.

Dealer does not have to pass dealer cash to you.

thanks NY13… but I guess the point is to let the dealer know that you know they’re getting it, & their cost is that much lower?

separately, anyone know of any sites/services that provide Invoice on the stock cars and various options? maybe that’s what I’m really getting at

There are some dealers confirming the a plan is now $4k. [YMMV as some ar we also saying it’s still only 3k]. A plan pricing is 6% below MSRP. Good discounts are 10%+.

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