My friends a dealer and this is his offer for me to lease a SQ5...good deal?

Whats going on. First time on this and i was searching through various threads for SQ5. Visited a dealer in LI. He offered me an 2018 SQ5 Prem + ,with Navi and Cold Weather package.
MSRP of 58,950
total mo payment is 690.85 with total cash drive off of 4,309 which is fees and 1st month. also 10/36
I didnt think this was a good deal at all.

So my friends best friend is a dealer out of state. i asked him to send me his best deal.
I didnt ask too many questions cause i guess he is doing me a favor so didnt want to be a pain in the ass. his SQ5 is Prem + , S pack,Navi,Fine nappa, BnO, Carbon inlay, Audi Guard, Audi beam(whatever this is) for MSRP of 64705. All he said to me was $780 true sign and drive. nothing else out of pocket. I dont know any other numbers. this is also for a 10/39. But i want to ask him for a 12 or 15 for 36th months. what do yall think? should i pull the trigger or keep looking around and use this as a base? thanks

With friends like those . . .


??? let them go? lol


any advise?

I don’t think it’s a bad deal. Considering that SQ5s don’t lease very well right now, it’s probably the best that you’re going to get right now. If you had to pay all fees and cap taxes up front, it would be closer to $740/mo which still is way above the 1% mark, but still not as bad some some of the offers that I’ve seen on SQ5s posted on leasehackr in the last 5 months.

There were some pretty awesome deals on the Stelvios which has similar performance as an SQ5, but I think those deals have past. If I were in the market for a fast, compact SUV, I would get this one -> '18 X3 m40i MSRP 59k 1.9k DAS $599 + Tax

You probably know, but just making sure, the sign and drive on the $64k version is a FAR better deal than your offer on LI.

I agree with this. I was going to say it looks as if they gave him a significant discount on the out-of state one with nothing down. If you want an SQ5 badly and can afford it, the 780 /mo one isn’t a bad deal. It looks like you’re getting a good discount on it, but they just don’t lease very well to begin with.

X3 M40i is competitive with the SQ5. Look at those, you might be able to score a better deal on it.

Knowing the MF and RV will help greatly here, you only list MSRP you don’t list any discounts off that, incentives right now are 1500-2000 depending on region. Any 2018 SQ5 sitting on the lot should get ~11% MSRP. Just by signing up for an Audi owners club you get 6% off, so going deeper shouldn’t be that much harder.

I drove the X3. It was nice. pretty peppy. I saw one at the dealer, but the MSRP was for 64k for the options i wanted. The sales I know was super busy so i will have to go back and see what they can do. I got the car im driving now from them.

Oh yeah def.

He didnt give me any numbers. he just sent me a RV and MF with the final numbers.

You can get the RV and MF from Edmunds and ask for a selling price from the manager desking your deal. Hopefully they give it to you.

If he’s your friend as him to get a detailed breakdown with all of the numbers, if they won’t provide that then I wouldn’t bother doing business with them.

I just texted him for a breakdown and see whats up from there. Hopefully ill get some numbers and see how they came up with it. apparently i read that some incentives are over by 11/1. I think it was a $1,500

Yeah this month depending on location is 1500, season of audi should start 11-1, historically it’s first months payment, but I don’t know what next month will bring. I assume Audi will keep decent incentives on the SQ5 as 2019s are starting to roll in and there is a ton of 2018 stock sitting at the port and dealer lots.

Yeah im banking on that. but i heard the 2019 is just a roll over of 2018.

whats this season of audi you talking about?

MSRP 64705
Initial Cap cost 59528
term 39
MF .00164
L.E.V Rt/Amt 58% 37528
month of 780
rebate 1500
Acq fee (financed) 895
Adj Cap 61608
total cap reduction 1500
tac 2684
reg fee 350
due upfront 1628
dispos fee 495

so these are the numbers i got. he said he pays the up front for me. only 780 a month for me and thats it.

Aim for a higher discount, acq fee marked up according to the calculator, I would pay the fees out of pocket and not roll them in at effectively 4%. Should be able to get another 2-3% off MSRP outside of any incentives. It’s a not a terrible deal, but I would ask them to go deeper, if you can hold out, wait.