Looking for the best deal for 2018 Loaner BMW X1/X2 Gray with good options (CA)

Hi dealers and hacker,

I have been on the market for a while and it is very noisy. I could not get anywhere close with any of the deas here. Please let me know if you have any 2018 Loaner BMW X1/X2 Gray? With minimum convenience package but preference is premium. If you have a color which is deeply discounted for being in a lot for longer or any valid reason please let me know. I might jump on it.
No down, just MSD-7 and drive-off.
No loyalty or conquest but CSP certificate and code for $4000 incentives for X1 and $5500 for X2.

I appreciate your support.

P.S. I contacted the dealerships around me (94158) and I hardly get any deal. Quotes are 400+ and when you start negotiating the disappear.

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