LEXUS ES350 - $449/month, $0 down, 10k/ 36mnth

Hi! This is my first lease and first new car and therefore I am unsure as to how to go about the process. I went into a Lexus dealership yesterday and fell in love with the white ES350. However, the dealership that I visited did not have the color combination I wanted. So I have been emailing several dealerships here in socal asking what prices they are offering. I got one offer for $0 down, 36months, 10k – $449/month. I saw in another topic that someone was getting less than my payment for a $50,000 car when my MSRP is $42,300. Am I missing something or is the person not giving me a good deal? In his texts he states that his offer is $10,000 off in discounts. I have the calculator page bookmarked but I have no values (residual value, money factor, sales price). Are these values posted somewhere or does the online sales manager provide them to you? Help me out please :slight_smile:

Make a post here and get the necessary facts to make an informed offer. You’re most likely not getting a very good discount off of MSRP. I’ve been researching ES350s and in NorCal the residuals are awful, most likely due to the new model coming out for 2019.

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Since you’re going to get the 2018 and 2019 is out, you should ask them to discount further and disclose all the information first. 2018 ES has near 0% MF and 5,500 lease cash for CA now, you should aim to $350+tax with minimum drive off.

Can you tell me if these numbers are a good deal?

.00001 MF
47% residual
$0 down
$389+tax ($449) monthly

Look like you only got 8% off MSRP for that $389/month payment, which I think pretty weak. You should try at least 10% ($368/month) or preferably 13-15% off MSRP ($312- $340). Good luck

Yeah, the residuals are killing me on these. I don’t think I’d do it unless I got 15-20%+ off MSRP before the rebate.

Does this sound okay?

MF .00001
Residual 47%
Sale price $30,532


If the MSRP is 42,300, the MF and residual you cited should be a payment of only $300 before taxes. How much are your taxes and other fees, and are they being rolled into the payment?

They are all included.
I’m in socal, so all the registration & taxes (9.5) are included

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