Leasing a Benz Loaner with miles

Some one told me MB wont lease a loaner if it passes a certain amount of miles. Is this true and if yes, what is the max amount of miles?

You can lease a loaner/demo with up to 10k miles.

Thank you . My broker told me there was a limit, so I thought it was less than 10k.
10k seems great to me. Not sure why he made it seems like it was lower.

If you don’t trust your broker you should use another broker.

I wouldn’t say I dont trust him. I like to know a little more than the person I am dealing with. Now, that I know it’s 10k before he tells me.

if you dont trust your broker, that mean hes making a lot of money from you.

It is unlikely it will be lower than a new one, huh? :wink:

10k miles is max for lease. A $0.20/mile residual reduction for every mile over 3000. Goal would either be to find loaner with ~3000 miles or use higher mileage to negotiate purchase price aggressively. On a 60k MB with 9000 miles, RV reduction is 2% (9000-3000=6000 × .2 =$1200; 1200/60k =2%) [Useful when you are plugging numbers into LH calc.]

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my best friend is leasing a loaner in oregon. salesperson said no sales tax up there, and MB acquisition fee was $1,100??? is this a good deal? has 5k+ miles on it. i have no idea on benz.


@nyclife ? @Jon ?

Can your friend qualify for fleet?

what is that and probably not.

There are multiple ways to qualify so your friend should look that up.

In have a Corp. can I buy one vehicle and qualify for fleet?


is this the page? basically discount programs for mb?

How did you find that calculator. Why can’t I get these numbers?

They should push for at least 20% off MSRP. I think I’ve seen some people posting that they’ve been able to get 23% off on new units. Also have your friend do 9 MSDs do bring the MF down to .00002.

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Definitely more discount and do max msd

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