Internet manager here. Ask me anything!

Do African American people get a fair deal or get jipped? Hey, you said ask anything so I’m asking.


Great way to introduce yourself :roll_eyes:


When all the 2018’s are close to selling out. probably beginning 4th quarter.

Only racists gets jipped…


Thanks Ivan. I will contact you toward end of the year when my current lease close to the end.
In the mean, let me know when your dealership willing to move the RS5.

I believe Audi offer 3 months pull early on the current lease.

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Depends how the broker operates :slight_smile:


Great response. Profound.

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Hi Ivan - I’ve read through some of your posts and understand that it’s easier to get responses if you ask a dealer less instructive questions (I.e., not asking about MF, etc.) and to focus a little more on DAS and monthly. Do you think asking for a certain price in initial emails is OK? My thoughts are I can do some Edmunds searching and posting to find the residual and MF numbers so if I can get the dealer to commit to a certain sales price than I’ll be able to figure out my monthly and all that. Thoughts?

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“Jipped” by the way is an intrinsically racist slur about “gypsies”

just saying…


@IvanAudi Thanks for the transfer of knowledge. Read this thread top to bottom.

I have a question regarding inbound leads. If I submit an inquiry on the dealer website, and I get no where with the first sales rep, is it possible to get reassigned to another sales rep (or someone manager level) that might know their stuff a bit more? Just wondering if it is proper to try again with a dealer but with a different contact (and not writing off the dealer entirely because of the initial experience).


…speaking of which, my wife & I are heading to Romania Monday for a motorcycle tour in the Carpatian mountains.

Is there any incentive for State Workers with Audi? Does Audi have an MSD program?

Just call and ask to speak to a manager directly. Speak to someone how has the ability to desk a deal over the phone. When you reach out to a dealership it is a hit or miss. If you’re lucky you’ll find a right salesperson who knows their stuff right off the bat or you end up someone who is new to the industry and needs to ask a manager for a quote.


Unfortunately no, the only attractive program Audi has are for those who work for Audi. Audi does offer MSD but it’s a pain in the butt to calculate. It’s not that attractive and you are only saving on average $20-$30 a month.

At the end of the day it’s payments for me. What good is an excellent selling price when they just mark up the money factor? They can agree to selling price but won’t agree to a MF.

Focus on comparing MSRP, DAS and payments only. If you have dealerships competing for your business the dealerships will have to discount the selling price in the end since residual is fixed and the MF will most likely be at buy rate.


Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge!

Recently, I came across a few dealers refusing to make a deal with msd. Since they got nothing to lose (as I understand) why will they let go a sale if that’s the only potential hold up.

Do the sales/people at finance not receive enough training to work a deal with MSDs involved.

Why would they refuse?

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MSD isn’t generally trained at all. Its very rare to do them. I am the only person at my store to do them and I am only 1 of 2 here that know how to do them.

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Would it be upsetting for the dealership to lose a sale just because they lacked on msd

Probably not. Char20