How do you convince the wife's finance manager that leasing isn't always financially stupid?

Wait what, people who buy cars are brain damaged?

Let me ask you. How much benefit does one have over buying when it comes to tax advantages?

If I buy couldn’t I just deduct the miles or payments under the LLC too?

I think piece of mind knowing exactly what the car will be worth is the benefit of leasing.

Nice typo :wink:

tax fraud, very smart…


You want a peace of my mind? :wink:

see what I did there?

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Kinda off topic but… I’ve always run across this scenario with customers that have Terrible Credit. The first Question that comes to mind is “Where was this Financial Advisor on all your other Financial decisions?”


He was out putting a deposit on his new toy, the S.S. Sucker, before swinging by the nudie bar to toss some $1s at some lovely young ladies. He then picked up a $12 latte at Starbucks on the way home after leaving the casino.


Yeah this advice is terrible. Not even advocating sketchy tax avoidance strategies, just straight tax fraud. It should also include a disclosure that the person is not a lawyer and not giving financial advice.

Ask him why he’s advising to “invest” in a depreciating asset.

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Because it is not “investing”. Car is a need (most of the time), appliance. Just like washer or dryer.


Because real life doesn’t follow simplistic rules of thumb.

And it’s a big assumption that the current trifecta (high RV, low MF, big discounts/incentives) can remain intact forever.

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There are a lot of reasons to “invest” in a car. If you drive more than 15k miles a year, need flexibility or just can’t afford a new car.

Also what about all the states that charge annual excise tax. In these states, the cost of ownership delta between a new car and old car is even greater.

Keep in mind that all those people buying 2-3 year old cars are driving RV values up and making nice deals possible for people around here.