Honcker Question N/A for price now on certain luxury cars?

Hopefully I’m doing this correctly. Last month I was able to see prices on luxury cars like BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Volvo, etc. Now all I get is N/A. I can see prices for Land Rovers, Maserati’s, etc. but not those other listed car brands. I live in a town with 2 of those dealerships and 1 town over from another 2 of those dealerships. They appeared before. Fords, Jeeps, Buick’s, etc. they all show up. But not the others now. Just N/A. Does anyone know why this would happen? I tried their chat feature but it’s down. Super confused. Any help would be great.

Just checked again: Infiniti’s too. Also a dealership close by.

Pricing was there yesterday. I think they’re updating everything with October’s numbers

It usually takes a few days for Honcker to update when the new numbers are out each month.

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@MorganFromHoncker, please stop reviving/bumping old threads.