EV/Hybrid deals in CA?

$375 payment on Mirai with $4350 total drive off.
$5,000 CA Rebate.

Not close to $0 monthly but super nice car with Free Fuel and lots of perks
I put in the Calculator yesterday and Scored 18.1

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Ioniq Plug In is super nice, girlfriend just bought one. But lease deals are really bad and most dealers don’t have stock. Was quoted close to $500 a month for 3 years.

I found some Honda Clarity with an MSRP of $33k, but the monthly payment still appears high. Am I missing something in terms of lease deals?

The all EV version though.

You’re right, can’t seem to find any all-EV. Now to find another option.

I would seriously consider the Clarity plugin or full EV. amazing car overall quality/space/suspension. ACC and lane assist standard too.

<- This

The 2017 Honda Clarity was $199 with $1200 OTD

The 2017 Kia Soul was going for $200/month with $0 OTD

The Fiat is completely out of stock for the 2017 (As the 2018 is about the come out).

Those are the best bets…though don’t count on ‘driving’ down there as you will need a tow to get it back to fresno.

With the $7500 federal and $2000 for 2017 lease cash, you might be able to get a 2017 BMW i3 for close to $0 with your additional $5500 rebate. Look for one with a low MSRP, brand new you should be able to get one at least 10% off MSRP. There’s a few for sale at EastBay BMW listed for $4k off MSRP (7.5%), however they told me they are a no-negotiation dealership :joy:

Sadly all I can find are 2017’s with range extender. Starting at $49k MSRP

KIA Soul EV is your cheapest bet

I’m seeing $199 mo with $1999 down, am I missing a better deal? That seems high for the Kia Soul EV

Check out this website, seems like they aggregate all the lease deals from manufacture/dealer websites: http://ev-vin.blogspot.com/

I’m seeing Stevens Creek Kia in NorCal offering effectively $208/month for 36/10k

I spoke to them today. Their best offer is $99+tax per month, and $4K+tax down, which makes it about 5K down, $110 per month.

They’re in the low 300s on honcker. Hybrid is mid 200s. Dealership tried to rape me initially but their price quickly dropped a couple of hundred $

The dealership I worked absolutely refused to give any discount on the PHEV Iconic because they fly off their lots. They were right, the cars were literally gone the next day. This is in CA btw, not sure if honcker works here.

CA as in Canada? I’m in LA and see the base Ioniq hybrid for $219/mo incl tax with $1314 at signing and the PHEV for $265/mo incl tax $1360 due at signing.

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California, didn’t realize Honcker extended support to us. Thought they only dealt with New York and that area. Will definitely give them a look!

Yeah it’s invaluable for quickly checking what a good lease runs on particular vehicles if it’s a brand they work with. Sometimes you can do much better but sometimes you find a few gems. Socal coverage on the app mainly, norcal is pretty limited still.

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