CHALLENGE! find a sporty car - below 350$ (incl. taxes) from OH willing to drive if needed

NJRonbo, is that you?

I can’t tell if his responses are sarcastic or what. I feel sorry for the guy that actually sells him a car.

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To be fair, nobody is gonna WOW the Accord either :slight_smile:

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“wow” comes at a price OP isn’t willing to pay

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Waaaay too much work to try and back into a car payment this way.

Set a range, find the car that best meets the needs in that range, and lease the thing. It’s a 3 year deal, not a burial plot.

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Cars are dangerous…it could be one

Can the manager delete this post please?
I’ll never ask a question here again , just be reading

You have shown you know how to calculate a lease and understand how all this works. You really don’t need help. Go and lease a car and come back and post your numbers and we will all give you a big congrats!

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and be thankful it will be wrapped up for 3 years.

Yeah, the guy specifically stated that he’s newly divorced. So Acccord will be a chick magnet for sure.


No need to magnet any chicks now.
Just want to make a great deal on a car that I like looking at every morning

Looking at Accord every morning is like waking up every morning with a maid :grin:


That could spell trouble. Just ask Gov Arnold.


Lol! That’s mean.
I hope I’ll like it Through the whole lease

Kinda sad that you didn’t go with the Giulia. I test drove the Giulia Quad last month before I leased my car and it was a fun car that turned heads. Given that you are recently divorced and looking to get into a fun car that potentially can help with the ladies, I think you should splurge a little and go for the Giulia. It is head and shoulder above the passat and accord. If you don’t like the current one, move on to find a different one with the features you want. The Giulia you want should only be in the low $4xx and with your aggressive negotiation, I think you can bring it under $400. You might need to wait til the last day of the month when the dealers get desperate to make it happen. No point in putting 6 months into research to settle for a car you don’t really want. If you really wanted the accord, you would have leased it already. You only live once.

Holding out to the last day of the month when he’s looking to get a car at the end of this month (I read that as NEED) is a risky proposition. If the Alfa dealer doesn’t cave, he may be SOL altogether. What happens if that dealer makes his quota on the 25th, and doesn’t need to make this deal? That dealer isn’t going to call and say “sorry, we’re good this month,” the OP would never know, and be waiting by his phone for a call that will never come.

Then it wasn’t meant to be and he can call the accord dealerships.

+1 for ride w g. Have not seen that in a long time.

So, by waiting for the Alfa as you suggest until the 11th hour to see if the dealer will cave, when exactly should he call the Honda dealership? At that point, the Honda dealer may have met his quota as well, costing him this deal.