Can I do better? 18 & 19 Alfa Romeo Giulia

Hi All,

This forum has been so helpful to me, thank you everyone!

I could really use some help here. My current lease is just about up and I’ve started car shopping. The Alfa Romeo Giulia is on the top of my list.

I was quoted lease payments on a 2018 and 2019 today, and I could use some professional analysis on these quotes to see if I’m truly getting a good deal.

Thank you for your thoughts and feedback.

Did you use the search function? These are kind of bad deals.

Not enough discount on the 2018 or the 2019.

These cars aren’t exactly flying off the shelf…

FWIW my mother has an 18 shes had it for maybe 4 months. Hates it. Just had her brakes checked because they squeaked loud every time she stepped on the brakes. The dealer said “we are aware of the issue and do not have a fix currently from Alfa.” Plus shes had 2 recalls already.

Maintenance nightmare so far

I see that you’re in IL!

I can do that Giulia for $410/Mo with $410 due as long as you’re not registering in Chicago - The 2019 to be clear

Yeah, from searching, I was thinking that they weren’t that great of deals either. Thanks for you thoughts, I appreciate it.

That stinks, I’m sorry to hear that. The 18 they quoted said it just had a recall repaired, not sure what the recall was. I’ll have to research the brand a bit more. I appreciate you replying.

The cars are fun but definitely lease it lol, as far as numbers keep shopping son those numbers far from great

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