BMW New Car Programs (and Retired Loaners with < 5k miles) - UPDATED 5/8/2019

Sorry if this has been answered already but what makes qualify for Conquest?

Pretty much if you own a car that isn’t built by whatever brand you’re shopping. I’m guessing it probably has to be like 2000 or later though (I could be totally lying about that part cause I have no clue if brands have any further requirements)

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Does this provide OL code?


I’ve received a code from attending one of those events.

As a side note that has to be the ugliest pic of the new Hyundai… whoops I mean BMW 3er ever taken.

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Even if you have no intention of buying a BMW the autocross event is well worth attending.

Some years they have offered codes, other years nothing offered but the experience and some swag- I think I got a hat out of it.

A post was split to a new topic: Questions about BMW driving events

Does anyone know BMW MF reduction number for the one pay lease?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

Can someone help me out with that? My local BMW dealer just told me that BMWFS will support lease and incentives for 2018 units until end of April. Is this truth?
Thank You in advance

No one, including dealers know what bmwfs will with programs after the current one expires. However last year the March program was the last one that included lease support for any 2018. I believe the current program runs though April 1.

The grid I posted above with March programs is only good through April 1 but sales support for ALL 2018 models will cease at the end of April. Inventory is already seriously diminished so if you’re looking for a 2018 deal I wouldn’t wait in hopes of anything better than what dealers are already offering. Especially if you’ve found a car that has the features/colors you want. This will be very rare this late in the game.

Remember that the leasehackr community is a very small percentage of the market (probably less than 2%) and there are plenty of other buyers out there that are happy to snatch up the deals being offered.


Sorry if this has been answered, but I couldn’t find it in the thread! What rebates and incentives can and cannot be combined for BMW 3-Series/M … lease cash, loyalty, Costco, fleet, grad, drive event?? Thanks guys!

  • Can’t stack fleet/Usaa/OL

  • Can’t stack loyalty/conquest

I believe everything else is fair game

A post was split to a new topic: BMW leasing questions

I registered. See you there!

Hey Dave,

I emailed you with a quote request. Thanks in advance for your help!

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I’m being told by a FL dealer that MSD’s only work if you have a current BMW lease with MSD’s. I thought MSD’s were available to all new leases regardless? Does anyone know if this the case? If so, is there a way for me to prove this with them? Thanks.

Yes, tell them they are incorrect and the policy reverted end of last year so you no longer have to be grandfathered in. However, we are now limited to 7 max MSDs.

Dealers seldom deal with MSDs so often times they aren’t aware of the latest policies.

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For anyone that has emailed me a request and is still waiting for a reply…I’m doing my best to get through those. I have 31 unread emails so they will get addressed and I may ask one of my teammates to help out over the weekend since it is my one weekend off.

I just hope that all of you are checking back on this thread so that you know I haven’t forgotten about you and I’m not ignoring you.

Thank you again for your patience!

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Question on BMW conquest incentive. If I return my vehicle month before the BMW purchase, can I still get the conquest? Or do I need an active registered car at the time of the purchase?